Beautiful Things

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Rudraksha Mala Seed Prayer Necklace

     Last Fall, soon after moving to Charleston, SC I went to Seeking Indigo, a holistic healing center, to attend a workshop.  I went alone that Sunday.  I didn't know anyone to go with me to the workshop. All the other ladies came with a friend but that did not affect my determination to make my very own Mala prayer necklace made from the seeds of the Asian Rudraksha tree.
     I felt like I was just a little slow learning the rhythm of stringing the seeds and tying the silk tread knots. The instructor was patient with everyone. The necklace must have exactly 108 beads, 3 sections of 36 beads.  Many religions: Roman Catholics, Christians, Hindus, and Buddhist, count the beads while praying, chanting, or meditating. It is believed these Rudraksha beads provide protection from negative energy, emit positive energy, work on your chakras and invite blessings from God.
     Wow, can these seeds do all that?  I did complete my Mala necklace after 2 hours. I felt like I had made a real "work of art" and I have actually worn it many times over the past year always feeling a special aura of protection around me. 
My "Belles Choses"   my Beautiful Things..  Would you share your beautiful things?

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